
Located in the southwestern region of the United States, Arizona is known for its very hot summers and mild winters. This makes it the perfect state for those who hate the cold and can take the heat almost all year round. 

85% of Arizona are public forests, parkland, state trust land, and Native American reservations. This means that 85% of Arizona is a nature wonderland. This includes the three national parks that can be found in Arizona: Grand Canyon National Park, Saguaro National Park, and the Petrified Forest National Park. 

Like its neighboring states, Arizona is blessed with mountains and plateau. The famous Grand Canyon, one of the seven wonders of the world, is, of course, worth the mention. Many people fly to Arizona just to see the wonders of this beautiful, vibrant gorge. The photos alone are breathtaking to look at.

The abundance of sunshine, the stunning landscapes, the culinary culture, and the wildlife makes Arizona one of the most beautiful states in the country. Arguably one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Key information about Arizona

📍 Area: 295,234 km2

👥 Population: 7,278,717

🏛️ Capital: Phoenix

🏢 Major cities: Tucson, Mesa, Chandler

🔢 Number of counties: 15

📋 Postal Abbreviation: AZ

📖 Primary language/s: English

📌 Nearby states: California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico

Adventure Guides In Arizona

things to do in Arizona

Top things to do in Arizona

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Arizona is blessed with mountains and plateaus. Home to the Grand Canyon, one of the seven wonders of the world.