
Located in the South Central Region of the United States, Texas is the second largest and most populated state in the country. To give you an idea of just how big Texas actually is, it is twice as large as Germany and Japan. In fact, if Texas was a country — it would be the 39th largest country in the world.

Most people picture Texas endless heat and deserts. In reality, less than ten percent of Texas is desert. Most of its landscapes are prairies, grasslands, forests, even great waters. Home to some of the greatest biodiversity of birds in the country, Texas boasts a surprising and exciting range of wildlife.

Texas is also large enough to have multiple climate zones within it. A large part of it is humid subtropical. There are spots of it that are hot deserts, but the rest of Texas are either cold and warm semi-arid. Texas even has cold deserts.

The variety of climate and landscapes makes Texas such an exciting destination for outdoors adventurers.

Key information about Texas

📍 Area: 695,662 km2

👥 Population: 29,360,759

🏛️ Capital: Austin

🏢 Major cities: Houston, Dallas, San Antonio

🔢 Number of counties: 254

📋 Postal Abbreviation: TX

📖 Primary language/s: English, Spanish

📌 Nearby states/country: Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Mexico

Adventure Guides In Texas

people, food, restaurant

12 Best Outdoor Restaurants in Austin

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If you’re looking for a great outdoor dining experience in Austin, you’ve come to the right place. From pizza places with expansive patios to seafood restaurants with breathtaking views, we’ve got you covered. So put on sunscreen and get ready…
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Top destinations in Texas

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Texas always manages to exceed expectations and surprise its visitors. The variety of climate and landscapes makes Texas such an exciting destination. Especially for outdoor adventurers who are constantly looking for their next big adventure.  It has so many attractions….